As a film maker, I am interested in meeting people who wish to get in touch with me from all works of life…Whether it’s work related or just to ‘poke me’ and say hello. There are times people approach for the wrong reasons so I actually created this page to try and communicate the kind of meetings I would love.
I am all game for a creative meeting where we brainstorm ideas. That’s what keeps me winning. Try and be more detailed in the message box, type in a great subject that would capture my attention.
Interviews are what keeps me on the internet so I also very much appreciate them. The press are my best friends. You can type out subjects and we would reply you with the perfect schedule that would work for both of us.
My fans, oh I love you, you keep me consistent in the industry. Several times when things get challenging, your kind words (not so often ;-)) gets me going. Thank you. You can be honest and check the selfie box, I might just surprise you with a meeting location sooner than you expect.
I guess this is the longest contact form you ever read. Just trying to get a form that is very effective for both of us.
Love always,
Kafui Danku